Recap of the basicsΒΆ

Whoa, the first day of the workshop already was a lot and contained quite a bit of information, densely packed. Depending on your prior experience you might have heard a few things before or basically everything was new and you feel like indicated below:

ron swanson

Thus, it might be a good idea to briefly recap the things we talked about during day 1 and situate them within the research workflow. This is also your chance to ask questions and follow up on things that remained unclear. Thus, please don’t hold back: we want to support everyone as much as possible!

Content πŸ’‘πŸ‘©πŸ½β€πŸ«ΒΆ

In the following you’ll find the objectives and materials for each of the topics we’ll discuss during this session. As it will contain a brief recap, we will only have a short slide deck and will re-visit materials from day 1 as needed.

Objectives πŸ“ΒΆ

  • Re-cap content from day 1

  • Answer questions

Materials πŸ““ΒΆ

You can find the slides here or can directly download them:

optional reading/further materialsΒΆ

Just in case, the materials from day 1 can be found here.